I am a dentist.. Name Dr. G. Nagu Completed my BDS in MNR dental college in Sangareddy, MDS in Mamata Dental in Khammam in 2017.I practice ing Dental Procedure in My Internship undergraduate in Out side hospital. From 2011 I started Dental practice In Sangareddy, Hyderabad, Mahabubnagar, Khammam, Guntur and Miryalaguda. In My Post Graduate No Of Conferences attended in Chennai, Delhi, Mumbai, bangalore and Hyderabad.. And I received best Dentist awrard in Hyderabad.. I specialist in Root canal treatment n surgical procedure, Fixed teeth replacement, Implant procedure,Fracture cases related in head and Face injury.. In My Poojitha dental patients r more Satisfied with painless Dental procedures.. And below 12 years children also I will take care with dental cavity complain filling like cement composite.. I available in full time in my dental hospital..
Church road Besid GV Hospital Miryalaguda TelanganaIndia 508207
SK. Maibubi Reviewed 2 years ago
doctor bagane chusadu kani treatment cost ekkuva.
Dr. Nagu Naik GugulothReplied 1 year ago
High technology we are using and latest treatment we r apply ing..
Gaya VenkatnarsammaReviewed 2 years ago
good doctor but the treatment cost was high
Dr. Nagu Naik GugulothReplied 1 year ago
Depends upon Quality madam.. Less aulity n less amount madam.. Tq madam
Krishna KReviewed 2 years ago
My tooth had been hurting and infected for months. It caused me a lot of other systemic infections. He was great with extraction. Even though I was nervous, he took time to make me comfortable and procedure was well done.
doctor bagane chusadu kani treatment cost ekkuva.
High technology we are using and latest treatment we r apply ing..
good doctor but the treatment cost was high
Depends upon Quality madam.. Less aulity n less amount madam.. Tq madam
My tooth had been hurting and infected for months. It caused me a lot of other systemic infections. He was great with extraction. Even though I was nervous, he took time to make me comfortable and procedure was well done.
Good doctor.
Good Dentist
best doctor
Nice Doctor